Kamis, 08 Agustus 2013

Tim Cyber Crime Mabes Polri Lacak Pembunuh Sisca Yofie

Tim Cyber Crime Mabes Polri turun tangan melacak pembunuh sadis yang merenggut nyawa Sisca Yofie (34). Mereka membantu Tim Khusus Polrestabes Bandung guna menelusuri jejak pelaku yang menyeret dan membacok Sisca.

"Ada tim dari Cyber Crime Mabes Polri yang datang ke Bandung. Satu tim terdiri dari empat orang ini akan menyelidiki histori kontak di handphone milik korban (Sisca)," jelas Kabid Humas Polda Jabar Kombes Pol Martinus Sitompul, Jumat (9/8/2013).

Selain telepon genggam milik Sisca, tim mendalami rekaman kamera closed circuit television (CCTV) di sekitar tempat kejadian yang sudah diamankan Polrestabes Bandung.

Meski gambar berkelebat, CCTV sempat merekam momen mengerikan dua pelaku menunggangi satu unit sepeda motor melitas kencang sambil menyeret tubuh Sisca di aspal jalan.

"Tim Cyber Crime akan menganalisis sejumlah alat bukti petunjuk tersebut. Informasi terkini, ada tiga unit handphone milik Sisca yang diperiksa. Salah satunya handphone berkondisi rusak," singkat Martin.

Telepon genggam merek BlackBerry ini tak sengaja terlindas sewaktu anak pemilik rumah indekos memindahkan mobil Sisca.

Saat Sisca turun dari mobil berkondisi hidup, diduga ponsel terjatuh lantaran pelaku menyergapnya di depan rumah tempat wanita yang bekerja di perusahaan leasing itu indekos.

Dua pelaku terindikasi memakai helm full face. Salah satu pelaku yang posisinya dibonceng itu menjambak rambut Sisca dan menyeretnya dalam kondisi hidup sejauh satu kilometer.

Sebagian aspal jalan di TKP berkondisi bopeng dan rusak. Pelaku sempat mendaratkan senjata tajam ke arah kepala Sisca di titik akhir penyeretan. Sisca sekarat. Ia meregang nyawa sewaktu perjalanan menuju Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin (RSHS).

Minggu, 04 Agustus 2013

Smartphone Jelly Bean Menggeser Peran Handphone

Jelly Bean kini mendominasi pangsa pasar Android dengan 40,5 persen. Rinciannya, Android 4.1 masih digunakan paling banyak dengan 34 persen dan Android 4.2 mendapat porsi jauh lebih sedikit dengan 6,5 persen. Nilai tersebut, seperti dikutip dari BGR, Minggu (4/8/2013), melambangkan peningkatan sebesar 34 persen dibandingkan bulan sebelumnya, di mana Android Jelly Bean mendapatkan pangsa pasar sebesar 37,9 persen. Pangsa pasar Android versi 2.3 Gingerbread mulai menunjukkan tren penurunan. Apabila pada Juni 2013 terdapat 34,1 persen kini Android yang berjalan dengan Gingerbread mendapatkan pangsa pasar sebesar 33,1 persen.

Apple’s Thunderbolt Port: A Closer Look

As I’m sure you’re very much aware, Apple released news of a brand new set of MacBook Pros this morning, and along with them has come something called a Thunderbolt. It’s a relatively brand new bit of technology, this Thunderbolt, that was developed by Intel under codename “Light Peak” and promises to be the new name in data transfer between devices. How fast is it? Why it’s 12 times faster than FireWire 800 they say, 20 times faster than USB 2.0, quicker than a speeding bullet!
Would you like to know more?

What’s the Big Deal?

The big number being touted by this new technology is 10-Gbps – that’s gigaBITS. What this number represents is 1.25-gigaBYTES of data traveling from one device to another inside 1 single second. The closest technology to this kind of speed that’s been adopted by any sort of wide-spread device at this time has been USB 3.0, a version of USB sort of skipped over by Apple, which at its fastest only goes half the speed of Thunderbolt.
In addition to this speed, Thunderbolt is able to daisy-chain multiple devices without a hub – an ability USB has never had. With this ability, Apple is saying that a single MacBook Pro is able to support six devices, making it easy to hook up to one of those fantastical 6-display setups you’ve seen in your gaming or video-editing dreams.
Additionally, Thunderbolt is bi-directional AND is 10-Gbps of data AS WELL AS 10-Gbps of video. What this means is that in theory it’s actually 20-Gbps which means it could easily send 4 or 5 uncompressed HD videos to TWO 27″ Cinema Displays. Fantastic!

Is it a new port then?

Thunderbolt is built with the current size and shape of things in mind, pairing their existing Mini DisplayPort with this PCI Express standard, using the same size physical connection as is already implemented on previous Apple laptop models. This DisplayPort in these newer MacBook Pro models now supports the existing DisplayPort monitors, DVI/HDMI video output, VGA video output, and super fast data transfer to Thunderbolt-ready devices. Furthermore, Intel’s PCI Express high speed serial interface is the basis for Thunderbolt; this interface appears currently as motherboard expansion slots in desktop PCs and Mini PCI Express cards in notebooks.

But why didn’t they just, I dunno, upgrade USB or FireWire?

It was Apple, if you’re not familiar, who was originally responsible for developing FireWire in the early 1990′s to work as a means to fast disk access and streaming of video and audio date. Intel then created USB as a peripheral standard with slightly lower speed than FireWire. At some point in there, Apple adopted USB, showing their love for it by having it be the only serial port on the first iMac. After that, Intel released USB 2.0 which immediately started competing with FireWire, USB becoming cheaper all the while, FireWire remaining more expensive as it devices that use it need more sophisticated controllers. What does ThunderBolt do? It blasts Apple ahead with speeds way above any FireWire port with a simple and easy to implement new system.
And the best part? Well not the BEST part, but a very interesting part? The PCI Express design of Thunderbolt allows it to work with USB or FireWire, cords going from one to the other, eventually (we’re not sure why not immediately,) allowing Apple to drop all of the other ports altogether.

What about my USB-powered external harddives?

Thunderbolt supports electrical power for bus-powered devices, meaning they’ll need no extra power plug hanging from the wall. PCI Express support is already included in Intel’s mobile and desktop chipsets, making it simple to add to all new systems. Finally, again I must state the fact that this port works backward with the DisplayPort plugs that would have been plugged into that port before in addition to new PCI Express signals makes this out to be what appears to be a godly new system as chosen by Apple as one of their new standards. Sounds pretty neato!

Sabtu, 03 Agustus 2013

FBI Mampu Menyadap Android Anda

Penegak hukum Amerika Serikat (AS) menggunakan cara-cara canggih dalam menyelidiki kasus kejahatan siber. Biro Penyelidik Federal AS (FBI) dikabarkan bisa mendapat akses untuk memata-matai sebuah laptop atau perangkat Android yang dicurigai.

Tentara Cyber Indonesia

Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Pertahanan berencana untuk membuat tentara cyber. Pasukan inilah yang nantinya bertugas menjaga keutuhan NKRI di dunia maya. Berbagai jenis serangan cyber memang sudah mulai sering terjadi di Indonesia. Bahkan sekitar tiga pekan lalu, situs Kementerian Pertahanan sempat diretas oleh hacker yang belum diketahui identitasnya. Tak ingin jadi bulan-bulanan di dunia maya. Pemerintah pun segera berbenah, salah satunya mulai muncul wacana soal memperkuat pertahanan cyber.

Gaji Tenaga Profesional Teknik Informatika

Semakin luasnya penerapan Teknologi Informasi di berbagai bidang, telah membuka peluang yang besar bagi para tenaga profesional Tl untuk bekerja di perusahaan, instansi pemerintah, swasta dan asing di era globalisasi ini.

Sekilas Teknik Informatika

Apa Itu Teknik Informatika ?
Teknik Informatika merupakan kumpulan disiplin ilmu dan teknik yang secara khusus menangani masalah transformasi atau pengolahan data dengan memanfaatkan se-optimal mungkin teknologi komputer melalui proses-proses logika. Pada teknik informatika bidang ilmu yang lebih banyak dikaji adalah bidang pemrograman dan komputasi, rekayasa perangkat lunak (software) untuk berbagai bidang aplikasi dalam berbagai bidang usaha, dan teknologi jaringan komputer.

Tips dan Trik Mencari Pekerjaan via Internet

Mungkin Anda terpikir bagaimana cara membuat profil di LinkedIn atau situs pencari kerja lainnya agar mampu 'menjual', dan tips dan trik memanfaatkan internet entah itu pencari kerja atau media sosial untuk mencari pekerjaan agar lebih efektif?